Penelope Fields


  • 25 years old, Non-Binary Transfemme, Sapphic

  • F-List can be found here (18+ ONLY!)

  • List of all of my characters can be found here.

  • Works at Candyland (Goblin, Mist, Ward 2, Plot 32)

Penelope Fields is a young Elezen, though not your typical one! Sporting a cervid-like face (complete with a set of small antlers) and a fluffy tail, they look more like a forest spirit than your average elf -- they clearly put the "Wild" in Wildwood! Indeed, they seem a bit more feral than their compatriots, preferring to live out in the woods, and spending more time talking with animals and Sylphs than people.

That's not to say that Penelope isn't a people-person. In fact, they're a proud Captain of the Twin Adders, and are a proficient bard. It's not uncommon to see them even in the furthest reaches of Eorzea, either tackling a Grand Company hunt or playing a jaunty tune. They take both very seriously, and fiercely defend Gridania and the Black Shroud from any threat. Garlean Imperials, voidsent, bandits, and poachers have all felt the harsh sting of Penelope's steel.

Some simple RP hook include...

  • Since Penelope is a Captain of the Twin Adders, it's likely that anyone involved in Grand Company matters will run into them at some point. Maybe you've been assigned to work with them to clear out some troublemakers in the Shroud?

  • Musicians are always looking for work, and Penelope is no exception! Perhaps you've found them playing music on the side of the street, or even hired them to entertain at a tavern?

  • The Black Shroud is not safe for everyone, especially as you get further away from Gridania. Hiring them to help escort you through the wilder parts of the forest is right up their alley.

  • Penelope's wanderlust means they often let their feet pick a direction and go, without much minding the consequences. Running into them in the oddest places, from the far reaches of Dravania to the arid lands of Gyr Abania, is always a welcome surprise, especially when they happen to wander in to help you in the nick of time!